
My name is Lydia So.

I’m a product designer that's based in the Bay Area of California. I'm passionate about creating products and experiences that can help improve people's lives.

Currently leading the Search experience at


Previously worked for


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A selection of my work from 2019-2024:


Udemy's AI assistant🔒

A 0 to 1 project where we implemented Al into our Udemy business portfolio to help assist our users to learn more efficiently.


Making pro products more discoverable🔒

Led design of the discovery of "Pro" features on Udemy business. By making these features more available, we increased a user's learning time.


2021 Holiday experience🔒

Co-lead the design of the holiday (aka. Black Friday) experience back in 2021. With the volume of shoppers on Black Friday and scalpers on the rise with our hot items, we innovated a new system to allow our site to not break and prioritize our customers first.


Content as commerce🔒

Majority of Walmart's customers don't typically go to Walmart as a place for inspiration. I co-lead transforming our Walmart experience to become a place where customers can come to discover new items for fun.


Item page redesign🔒

While we had a re-design in 2018, it didn't help bring out the true core purpose of item pages. As an item page lead, I helped revamp our item pages so that our customers can feel more confident in their purchasing decisions and help drive up GMV.


Zeekit x Walmart acquisition and implementation🔒

One of the biggest problems in shopping for clothes is determining how it'll fit and look. I was part of the team that helped acquire and implement Zeekit, a company that specialized in a 3D mapping technology to help users virtually try on clothing, into our platforms.